3. Folders & Sorting Options
Despite it featuring on a ton of fan-demands and requests, Sony seem very hesitant to budge from their XMB design for the dashboard. It's definitely a slick enough interface that presents games and apps in a nice horizontally-scrolling display, alongside more integral settings and online options, but ultimately, a big ol' list of everything you've once played just doesn't cut it. We want to be able to sort by something more than just 'Recently Played', as although Sony added in the ability to extend the list to include more tiles, it's a paltry addition to a bunch of options that would actually benefit the games themselves. Let's see optional filters for genres come as standard, alongside custom folders for your favourite games, and in addition, let us opt into a prompt to say it's been a certain amount of time since we last played something, remind us of a recent download that's not been played, or a trophy we were close to unlocking. In a climate of vastly reduced prices and digital downloads making impulse buys more frequent than ever, it's quite easy to grab a whole host of games and file them away in your mind as something you'll get to eventually - so why not remind us through the dash?