PS5: 8 Best Rumours We Want To Come True

2. Backwards Compatibility

underrated ps2 games
Marvel/Ubisoft/Crystal Dynamics

If Microsoft have got Sony currently beaten on one front, it's backwards compatibility. Doing the unthinkable and announcing the feature after the console was already on the market, the platform holder brought a lot of people back to their side by allowing them to play classic games from both the 360 and original Xbox eras.

Sony have long since reaffirmed their staunch position on backwards compatibility being a no go for PS4 (no doubt because they invested crazy money in using PS Now as a streaming service for their older titles), but recent leaks suggest that they could be changing their tune for the launch of the PS5.

Not only would this be a winning move because the company has a ridiculously solid library of titles tucked away in the vaults, but it would help ease the pain of customers potentially having to buy a third console within such a small space of time.

If you've invested not only in a regular PS4 but also the Pro, you could feel a bit burned if Sony decided to drop another upgrade that didn't allow you to play the PS4 games you already owned. They'd offset this massively by making the PS5 backwards compatible, and close the one wound that Microsoft is currently exploiting so much today.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3