PS5 Secrets: 14 Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

2. Create Presets For All Games (Camera Inversion, Difficulty & More)

PS5 Game Presets

Want to make sure all your games are set to Easy/Hard? How about inverting your aim controls so you never have to pause the game as soon as a cutscene finishes? You can even tell the PS5 to favour resolution modes or performance, if you want to prioritise visual fidelity over frame rate, or vice versa.

To do so, hop into Settings and go to "Saved Data and Game/App Settings", then button down to Game Presets.

Also worth noting is you can tell the console to flag spoiler-filled content - like cutscenes or levels - before you see it. This likely only applies to shared captures rather than viewing a Youtube clip on your system, but it will still be a big help.

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