PS5 Tips & Tricks: 9 Things You Didn't Know It Could Do

6. System-Level Options You NEED To Know About

Taking a page out the Xbox 360's book - and something millions of us have dearly missed since that console's generation ended - the PS5 comes with many system-level settings for important game defaults.

To find, go into Settings, Saved Data & App Settings, then down to Game Presets.

Whilst these only apply to PS5 titles, you can tell the console to mandate a specific difficulty, whether you want your camera permanently inverted (first and/or third person), whether you always want subtitles, and whether you always want to prioritise visual fidelity or performance.

The latter applies to scores of triple-A games that let you choose between a higher resolution and amount of visual detail at a lower frame rate, or playing smoother with certain bells and whistles turned off.

If you know you're a frame rate-loving sort, set the system to prioritise performance and you'll never have to worry about this again.

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