PUBG Mobile: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

7. Your First Few Games Are Filled With Bots, So Learn The Ropes

PUBG Mobile

One of the most interesting things to come out about PUBG Mobile is the fact that your first few games will be full of bots.

This is new for PUBG, as neither the console or PC versions feature A.I. whatsoever. The mobile version presumably does so to ease in newcomers, instead of having experienced players run all over them. The good news is as you play and progress, your games will be filled with more players than bots, and as you reach the end of the match it will usually only be real players.

The better news is that with this knowledge, you can use your first few games as a trial run. You can get used to the very wonky controls as well as shooting and aiming on such a small screen. Chances are, even as you mess around and get used to things, you'll at least come very close to a chicken dinner.

Take advantage of the slow-paced first games against bots, and learn the best way to move forward as you face more challenging foes.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.