For those who don't know Quantum Conundrum is the newest game from Kim Swift the Portal co-creator. The game is similar in many aspects to Portal, such as being a first person puzzle game, there is a crazy narrator, and you spend most of your time trying to escape different rooms. The game was released today on the PC to some very high reviews; the consensus is Quantum Conundrum is very good, it just doesn't reach Portal levels of greatness. And today it was announced that fans of consoles won't have to wait long to get their hands on this amazing little game. Quantum Conundrum will be
released on PlayStation Network on July 10 and Xbox Live Arcade will get the game a day later on July 11. No price for the game has been announced yet, but the game will run you $15 (US) on the PC. There is some DLC scheduled for Quantum Conundrum as PC players can already buy a season pass on Steam now that will get you "two puzzle packs and the game's soundtrack". No release date for the DLC packs has been announced yet, and it is still unknown if the season pass will be available for console owners but I would suspect so. Personally I have been looking forward to this game since it was announced last year; knowing it was being made by Kim Swift was a huge selling point but honestly the game just looks like a lot of fun. I will post the trailer for the game below, there are a lot of gameplay demos for the game out there as well, but I will let you find those on your own for fear of spoiling some of the levels. Here is the release trailer: http://youtu.be/0eW_hfQZae4