Rainbow Six: Siege - 10 Fan-Demands That Must Be Included

2. Full-Blown Customisation

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guiiqDceZmgUbisoft Customisation is fundamental for Siege to evolve and refine. Vegas€™ multiplayer experience had the player spend a significant amount of time in the menus sorting out all of their weapon loadouts, custom camouflage and body armour €“ but by no means was this bad aspect, as it meant that careful planning was essential before jumping into a game. Siege needs to elevate the customisation from the Vegas series and bring in a whole host of new weapons, camo and armour. Furthermore, they should also assign a specific multiplayer character for each custom class, allowing for the player to select the right camo and armour necessary to complement their current loadout. One thing that Ubisoft must be wary of in Siege though €“ make sure it has its own unique features brought to the title, rather than serving as a guinea pig for testing features which will be included in Tom Clancy's The Division. In-depth customisation is a feature that will be under scrutiny from avid fans of the series, and it€™s time for Ubisoft to deliver a phenomenal set of options that will allow the player to experiment with hundreds of different loadouts.

Graduate from the University of York and currently working as a freelance journalist, Adnan loves literally anything to do with films, music, television and video games. He’s not shy to express his opinions on all of them either. Make sure you follow him on Twitter to find him rambling on about all of the above.