5. Another Awesome Campaign
UbisoftSiege is focused more specifically on the multiplayer now, but another great story mode must feature in the title. The Vegas games had one of the most enticing story campaigns of any FPS series, and reiterating Clancys comment at the beginning of this article, the overall fiction makes sense and therefore has a believable world that can absorb the player. Your team on Rainbow Six: Vegas Logan Keller, Michael Walters and Jung Park were engaging characters that had a purpose as Rainbow operatives; Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 had Bishop replace Logan as the featured protagonist and still delivered an excellent narrative. The one aspect that makes Sieges story mode promising is that it does not have to feature Vegas as a location; Siege has the opportunity to add new settings for the player to explore in the story, which will no doubt be amazing to see. Ubisoft, we must see some form of a story mode that is on the same calibre as the Vegas titles.