Ranking All Of Metal Gear Solid's Boss Battles From Worst To Best

23. Screaming Mantis (MGS 4)

This super-creepy and relatively nostalgic boss fight sees Snake fighting a B&B Unit member who resembles Psycho Mantis, not only taking control of Meryl but also possessing two dolls, one a dead ringer for Mantis and the other The Sorrow. The player needs to keep Meryl alive as she tries to kill Snake, and it's as simple as tranqing her, all while Snake takes on Mantis' puppet FROGS and fires not at Mantis but at her Mantis doll, the strings of which will slowly snap away. When the doll hits the floor, Snake has to grab it and fire it at Mantis, allowing the player to sap all of Mantis' health in seconds and bring the peculiar showdown to an end. There's a good chance you'll finish this one on your first try, though all but the hardiest players will be severely unsettled throughout.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.