Ranking Every Dynasty Warriors Game Worst To Best

6. Dynasty Warriors 7

Dynasty Warriors

Dynasty Warriors 7 has the unenviable fate of following one of the poorest critical receptions in the series' history. With the changes brought by 6 soundly rejected by fans and critics alike, the team behind Dynasty Warriors 7 went back to the drawing board to try and bring the classic spirit of Dynasty Warriors back to their game. The result was... mediocre.

Dynasty Warriors 7 is uninspired. In its attempt to take players "back to basics," it does little to break new ground in the series. The old combat system returned, with old designs, and old weapons. The focus returns to engaging story modes that breathe new life into these ancient historical figures. The world looks better than in Dynasty Warriors 6, with fewer glitches and bugs that slow down the experience. At its best, it's an average Dynasty Warriors experience, just more of the same. That's not an entirely bad thing.

Where it does try to experiment, though, Dynasty Warriors 7 falters. Free Mode and the co-op story modes have been removed, in favor of a new mode called Conquest Mode. Players fight across China in a tile structure, like a board game, periodically engaging in low-stakes, low-difficult battles divorced of any context. Many of the game's secrets, such as unlockable weapons, are found in this mode, making tediously completing the entire map a necessity for those who want to unlock their favorite character's ultimate weapon. It's a bland experience tacked onto an otherwise average game.


Bryn is a gamer, writer, and wrestling fanatic with a degree in literature and film studies. She formerly lived in Japan, and once high-fived Hiroshi Tanahashi. It was transcendental.