Ranking Every Fall Guys Stage (So Far)
9. Door Dash
Door Dash has two popular strategies; only one is reliable.
The first, and most obvious, of course, is charge like a raging bull at the first set of doors you come across and hope that they'll yield to your destructive force and grand passage to the next blockade. If you're willing to take that risk (and it pays off), you'll be one of the first to victory dive over the finish line.
The hive-minded majority, on the other hand, will sit back and wait for the event's most daring contenders to forge ahead and reveal the critical path, so you don't have to.
Sounds like the superior of two options, right?
Perhaps, but bear in mind that you'll be sharing that narrow passage with 30-odd others all trying to cram their way through at once. Lose your footing early on, and you can kiss goodbye to qualification.