Ranking Every Rockstar Game From Worst To Best

4. Manhunt

Manhunt game

The beauty of Manhunt's unrelentingly bleak presentation comes from Rockstar reframing the GTA 'underdog' story into one that happens more preternaturally. In this case you're literally on the back foot, fighting for your life as one Lionel Starkweather has recruited various gangs and cordoned off chunks of the city so he can make a "last man standing" snuff film.

Simply down to such a horrific scenario, you'll go from scrabbling to secure kills against individuals distracted from their respective packs with plastic bags and shards of glass, to getting your hands on rifles, hammers and eventually, a chainsaw.

By the time you've adapted to blending into the shadows and turning the tables on your oppressors, walking up to Starkweather - chainsaw-in-hand - for the ultimate retribution is possibly Rockstar's most emotionally charged moment yet.

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