Ranking The Best Wrestling Video Game For Each Major Console

12. Sega Saturn - WWF In Your House

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Sculptured Software

Just because a video game is listed as the best wrestling offering to hit a certain console, that doesn't mean to say that said game is actually all that good.

Case in point: WWF In Your House.

Released on the rival consoles of the SEGA Saturn and the Sony PlayStation, WWF In Your House is the best wrestling game of the Saturn's lifetime. Given how there were only a couple of wrestling games for the Saturn, though, that's not saying all that much.

WWF In Your House was a game that was very much a product of its time and awaiting that next stage of evolution. Mildly more graphically enhanced than the likes of WWF Raw and WWF Royal Rumble, but not as advanced as later releases like WCW vs. nWo: World Tour and WWF War Zone, In Your House is a game that was essentially in a state of limbo.

Still, the themed levels - such as the Hart Dungeon or one of Undertaker's eerie crypts - at least gave something relatively fresh and new for the time.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.