Ranking The Games & Movies Of Kingdom Hearts: All-in-One Package Worst To Best

5. Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts All In One Package
Disney/Square Enix

A wildly important game that completely changed the playing field for Square. Besides the Mana series, action RPGs were not Square's domain. Now, it's almost entirely what they do. Going all the way back to the first Kingdom Hearts, you can see the template for the formula that would still be used in Square Enix games today.

Before adhering to the Square Enix formula that we know now, the original Kingdom Hearts actually had more Disney to it than it's often given credit for. Take away the Final Fantasy cameos, and yes, this could stack up next to the Toy Story 2 and A Bug's Life memories of the past.

That action RPG template was always there though, even under the heavy coat of Disney. But if you go straight from Final Fantasy VII Remake to this, you're in for quite a surprise. Those first steps were not easy. The system was unbalanced, the camera had a mind of its own, and the difficulty spikes were outrageous. Despite all this, its influence can not be understated. If you have patience, it remains a game with a lot of charm and fun to be had.

When we began, our story was just a young boy trying to find his friends and dealing with a Disney villain team-up. Nothing too far out of the ordinary, we’ve seen it before, but then Riku had to go and stab Maleficent with darkness itself and bring about a brand new full on Square-level baddie and bam! Kingdom Hearts!


Gamer, film lover, penguin collector. Lives in the midwestern US with his girlfriend and a pile of Blu-rays/video games/books/comics tall enough to reach halfway to the moon.