Red Dead Online: 10 Missing Features Rockstar Must Add
6. Taking Wild Horses
In comparison to GTA Online, Rockstar don't want you to have the best horses right from the offset, just like they wouldn't want you to have that sports car you've always dreamed of owning right from the start in GTA.
However, there is the option to steal the horses you find while roaming the streets, usually owned by civilians or lawmen. Unfortunately, these horses typically don't take too kindly to having an unwanted visitor riding them, and they'll usually kick you off and ride away into the sunset.
That's completely understandable - you should have to earn the best horses instead of them being available from the get go. On the other hand though, they should at least allow you to do something with the wild horses you can see in a small herd when out hunting.
Adding in the ability to lead them away, and either sell them to make some extra money or keep them to replace your horse would be a minor but welcomed addition. It could even be made into a daily challenge or mission - someone has to lead the horses away, while other players can try and sabotage their efforts, and take the horses for themselves.