Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Leaked Gameplay Details You Need To Know
7. Vehicles, Fishing & Crafting
Note: This portion of the leak pertains to Red Dead Online's mechanics, but it stands to reason that they'll be available offline/in the single player too.
Yup, we're going full-on RPG, as no role-playing game is complete without a fishing minigame.
Of course, being Rockstar, the level of detail is something else. We'll not only be tasked with catching a huge number of fish, but there'll be a wide range of baits and tackles to pick from. Brilliantly, you can even purchase a can of worms, which personally I hope you can fling at a random passerby.
Vehicle-wise, the report notes that "minecarts, handcarts and horse-drawn carriages" are all available, with armoured variants supposedly being tacked on if you want them.
Lastly, there's a proper crafting system, perhaps for various "home remedies" you can use to help disinfect wounds or regain health while out on the plains. "Plants and herbs can be gathered", also including "Clamshell, Ghost, Night Scented, Rat Tail and Spider Orchids."
Seems those Master Hunter challenges will last you until Red Dead Redemption 3 at this rate.