Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Mind-Blowing Details You Totally Missed

6. The Cursed Creek

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ice Skater

During the events of Red Dead 2's campaign players will eventually have to encounter the small town of Butcher Creek.

It is clear that something is off from the get-go as all of the townsfolk seem either mad or incredibly sick. Those that live there believe the Creek to be cursed in some way and that the residents are doomed. After further investigation, it appears that a leak of hazardous materials upstream could be the cause of the damages.

After dealing with a "shaman" who was the one claiming that the town was cursed and exposing that arsenic poisoning was behind the demons, Arthur (or John) believe the townsfolk can finally rest easy.

Or can they? Snooping around the town late at night reveals that there may have been something supernatural going on the whole time.

Underneath one of the burned-down houses, it is possible to spy a glowing red pentagram that appears during the night.


Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.