Red Dead Redemption 2: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

9. Dive In Combat With Square/X

Red dead redemption 2

Literally one of the most essential parts of combat, even the first Red Dead did a half-baked job of letting you know John Marston had an array of dodge rolls to evade fire.

Here they've been replaced with some very Max Payne-esque dodges, but the button command is the same: Just tap Square/X when aiming to dive in any direction. Sadly you can't fire when in mid-air, but combine with R1/RB as you land to seamlessly make Arthur connect animations and scramble into the nearest cover.

You can overlap other animations like tying your horse to a post and retrieving cargo off its rear too (just hold Square/X after you dismount), but staying mobile in a fight is essential during the game's most frantic missions.

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