Red Dead Redemption 2: 14 Insanely Cool Details You Need To See

1. Picking Up Corpses And Carcasses Bloodies Arthur's Clothing

Red Dead Redemption 2 Hunting Hosea

Perhaps an annoying detail, but an interesting one all the same. Whenever players pick up enemy corpses or animal carcasses (and those aforementioned corpses and carcasses are bleeding profusely), Arthur will bloody his jacket.

It's not a great look, and other characters in the world will react accordingly. Take it to the camp cook, and he'll chastise Arthur for stealing his own look, while people in town will react with stares and insulting barbs.

Ultimately, however, there are countless other details hidden throughout Red Dead Redemption 2. Most exist on an almost imperceptible level, but - when taken together - they create a sense of immersion no other action adventure title has yet been able to. That's partly why it's so special - even if the added faff of a bloodied coat can be a pain sometimes.

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