Red Dead Redemption 2: 16 Essential Gameplay Secrets You Need To Know
7. You Can Jump To Trains, Stagecoaches & Horses From Horseback

Occasionally you'll be tasked with robbing a stagecoach, or perhaps you want to get away by leaping onto a moving train. Though Arthur can manage the latter if you get the timing right and land in between carriages from any starting position, there is a contextual prompt that guarantees you don't mess up and fall off the other side.
Brilliantly, it applies to pretty much every moving object in the world. Literally ride up alongside another horse rider, the driver's seat of a stagecoach or a train carriage, then hit Square/X. Arthur will perform a canned animation that differs depending on what you're leaping onto, but ends with him safe atop the ride of choice.
If you're looking to rob a train, always do it when they're in between stations, and this is the best way to get started.