Red Dead Redemption 2: 17 Important Gameplay Secrets You Didn't Know

7. You Can Draw INTO Dead-Eye At Any Time

red dead redemption 2 dead eye

You'll likely pick up this tactic if you make a point of hunting down the Legendary Gunslingers, but you can actually draw into Dead Eye by very lightly squeezing the right trigger.

Done when you don't have any weapon equipped, start VERY lightly pushing down on the right trigger with a constant motion, and you'll start to see the world's colour turn to sepia.

The knack here is feathering the start of your push - only to fully depress after the animation starts. You'll want to hop across to the left trigger to aim more finely as Arthur brings his gun out, as then you can paint targets with R1.

Like the in-game equivalent of every on-screen or real-life draw, getting this down means you can respond to an aggressive NPC with a flurry of shots in return.

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