Red Dead Redemption 2: 17 Important Gameplay Secrets You Didn't Know

10. How To Max Out Any Weapon's Stats

Red Dead Redemption 2

Notice how every weapon has a set of white pips that denote accuracy, range, fire rate etc., plus a slew of additional grey ones you can never seem to fill?

These represent a weapon's maximum potential, but the factors to get there are varied:

- First, use Gun Oil to make sure the weapon is as clean as possible.

- Second, visit the Gunsmith and the Trapper to see which additional components are available per firearm. Things like rifling and longer barrels will increase range, for example.

- Lastly comes "Familiarity", a stat you can view in the pause menu's Compendium. This percentage goes up over time, the more you keep using the same weapon. Pick something you like - maybe splash out on upgrading one specific pistol to start - then keep using it in every firefight until all those pips are white.

Simple... ish.

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