Red Dead Redemption 2: 9 Leaked Details You're Not Supposed To Know

7. It's A Prequel

red dead redemption map

Above is a comparison of Red Dead Redemption's original northeast area of the Great Plains (containing the city of Blackwater) alongside that of the leaked map. Look close, and you'll spot there's no railroad (the black line) on the latter.

Now, it's a small thing to go on, but the most obvious assumption is that Retribution will be a prequel, as if you also look at the scattered placement of townships and caravan sites, you start to get a feeling for a far less populated Wild West - potentially meaning Rockstar are going to lean more on exploration and 'Strangers & Freaks' missions.

There are also oil fields which were later decommissioned, putting the game somewhere after the first major drilling excavations in 1859, but before Redemption's setting of 1910.

Could we see a game that deals with multiple timelines, showing a character age through this turbulent time, revisiting key areas of Redemption's map, before showing what happened as what we refer to as the 'old west' truly died out?

Here's hoping.

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