Red Dead Redemption 2: 9 Reasons It's Not Game Of The Year 2018

7. The Reality Of The Camp

Red Dead Redemption 2 Camp

Dutch's camp should've had some meaningful impact on both the story or Arthur as a person. The most crushing realisation when you think back on all your time spent retrieving animal carcasses or topping up the medical supplies... is how that was all there ever was.

Yes, the standard Red Dead 2 defence of "the drudgery is the POINT" forever stands, and I guarantee some people will say "The camp was never supposed to last, just like Arthur and John", but I can't get around the fact that gameplay boils down to Dutch's ledger being filled out and then topped up.

You can apply on a wider thematic purpose for Arthur looking after everyone, but even if you devoted tens of hours to making sure everything was unlocked and everyone was happy, this doesn't get commented on or matter towards the close of the story.

When the most meaningful things happen (Dutch standing on his soapbox and being ignored or Molly being shot), they're not twinned with game mechanics or specific conversations hammering home the idea of all your hard work has gone to waste.

Instead it's just "Oh... it's over? Okay", and on you go.

Assumedly the narrative beat of everyone going their separate ways and the camp falling apart is a sad realisation you have to have as a player, but Arthur's lack of comments on the matter or anything cutscene-related makes the entire endeavour ultimately feel like a waste of time.

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