Red Dead Redemption 2: 9 Reasons It's Not Game Of The Year 2018

3. The Final Scene Is Predictable As Hell

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah

The second Micah killed Arthur and/or ran away, we knew we were gearing up for one big revenge mission.

The problem is we knew EXACTLY how it was going to play out. In Redemption 1, it was an amazing, completely unique realisation to find out you could track down Edgar Ross by talking to family members in Blackwater, thus finding him fishing by a river and avenging your father.

In Redemption 2, it's like Rockstar sought to repeat that, beat for beat. They even seed this final encounter multiple times, with Sadie mentioning she's "closing in" on Micah's whereabouts, until you travel to deliver the killing blow.

Even then, it's Dutch who comes out of nowhere and shoots Micah first, robbing you of the most meaningful shot in the game, and closing Red Dead 2 in a way that felt like a box needed to be ticked, as oppose to anything anywhere near as historic.

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