Red Dead Redemption 2: 9 Ways You're Playing It Wrong

6. Explore The Entire Map For Chapter-Specific Missions & Interactions

Red Dead Redemption II
Rockstar Games

Another thing that feels counter-productive to the story being told across those first few chapters i.e. the need to hunt and gather for the camp to stay alive, is that you're better off going every direction other than the next mission marker.

Unlike GTA V, the radius you'll fill out on the map is substantial, and you can canvas the entire thing in a couple of hours. Doing so introduces you to the likes of Saint Denis way before you get there in the story, and you'll gain access to a wider array of clothing, plus all the travel-based XP milestones otherwise given as the story unfolds.

Your horse bond will likely be maxed out by the time you return, and with the amount of radiant quests that'll trigger, you can improve your honour and Dead Eye meters too.

The way Rockstar have populated RDR2's world progression is per chapter. Some mission-givers and characters only spawn during certain chapters, so you're better off seeing what you can find at every opportunity, rather than waiting for the credits to roll first.

Red Dead 2 really is the sum of its parts, and you'll miss a lot of those components if you're not looking for them.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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