Red Dead Redemption 2: Ranking Every Weapon From Worst To Best

7. Fire Bottle

Red Dead Redemption 2 Weapons
Rockstar Games

Discounting explosive ammunition (which is craftable for almost every firearm), the Fire Bottle and Dynamite sticks are the extents of RDR 2s explosive weapons. And by God, are they both fun. Dynamite is far more of a 'fun-and-games' weapon. Best used to clear out groups or enemies, or to relax and watch ragdolls fly, the dynamite doesn't hold a candle to the horrific, versatile offensiveness of a guerilla-styled Fire Bottle.

Want to burn down a wooden shack housing enemies? Decide to cremate your fallen enemies? Or maybe you want to unfairly punish an unlucky soul and set them alight? Well, the Fire Bottle is the weapon for you.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a brutal game set in a merciless world. Nothing expresses the bleak maliciousness and freedom of choice to be found in the world of New Hanover quite like the many uses of the devastating Fire Bottle.


Writer, film fan, lover of Spider-Man, defender of Max Payne 3 and STILL not quite over Steve Irwin. See me try to be funny on twitter @NokesyPokesy