Red Dead Redemption 2: Ranking Every Weapon From Worst To Best
5. Semi-Automatic Pistol
The highest ranked pistol on this list, and third highest sidearm, the Semi-Automatic Pistol proves itself as one of the best weapons to have on your hip in RDR 2. Boasting an exceptional rate of fire and reload speed, the Semi-Automatic Pistol is also remarkably accurate for such a fast gun.
Dual wielding in RDR 2 can often be a mixed bag. You either use two different sidearms for an inconsistent rate of fire and damage output, or use two identical guns and find yourself so inaccurate that you'd stand a better chance throwing your gun at a target. However, for the dual wielding connoisseur, the Semi-Automatic pistol will obliterate any enemy at close-to-mid-range with a 16 bullet capacity and unholy speed.
A powerful and visually unique sidearm, the Semi-Automatic will serve Arthur as a satisfactory complement to a snappy repeater, but when dual-wielded becomes a close range obliterator to rival even the meanest of shotguns.