Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer: 9 Things Everybody Totally Missed

3. The Oil Industry Is Involved In A Big Way

Red Dead Redemption 2 Oil

In case you somehow hadn't noticed, oil and the burning of it featured quite heavily in Red Dead 2's trailer. Of course, oil in the old west was big money, especially during the first booms that occurred during the 1890s in Texas and Oklahoma. Money translated to power, and power, in the Old West, often involved violence. Lots and lots of violence.

The invisible spectre of big business has been a classic antagonist for countless films in the western genre, with robber barons sticking their mitts in everything from the rail industry to oil and more, most famously in Once Upon a Time in The West. Whilst I doubt we'll be taking on the role of a harmonica-wielding dispatcher of wealthy businessmen, I would not be surprised at all to find the player pitted against them at some point in Red Dead 2.

One of the key things to remember here is that Dutch was an anti-establishment figure in Red Dead Redemption. The authorities weren't so much worried about his illegal activities as they were about his ideological rhetoric, and that wasn't something that newly developed in the wake of John's departure either. No, ideology was at the forefront of Dutch's activities from the very get-go.

My point is that Dutch hates authority, and what better way to confront authority than to attack the source of wealth's creation? Here, oil is big business, and seeing the fields set ablaze by what is, presumably, our protagonist, only confirms that they'll factor into Red Dead's story in a big way. Don't be surprised if the rail industry is next.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.