Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer Breakdown: 14 Things You Need To See

13. The New Protagonist, Arthur Morgan

Red Dead Redemption 2 Morgan

Perhaps the most prominent and telling reveal in the entire trailer was the unveiling of the new protagonist, Arthur Morgan, a ruggedly handsome outlaw who finds himself teaming with the Van der Linde gang as they rob their way across the United States.

With his gruff voice and violent tendencies, he seems like he'll follow in John Marston's footsteps just fine. A brief glimpse early in the trailer shows him accosting a man who apparently owes the gang a debt, and a voiceover unsurprisingly declares Morgan to be a wanted man. Who wouldda thunk it?

It remains to be seen if Morgan's journey will muster the same emotion as Marston's, but the look and sound of the character seem absolutely top-notch so far.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Morgan

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