Red Dead Redemption: Who Should Play Who In A Live Action Adaptation

22. Molly O'Shea - Katie McGrath

Red Dead Redemption 2 Jon Bernthal

The Character: I feel like we as players never got to know who Molly O'Shea was.

The prissy upper-class Irish girlfriend of Dutch, there is a sense that while she did come to the US in search of adventure, the romance of the idea far outweighed the realism as she shared campfires with vagrants, gunslingers and degenerates.

As Dutch's attention towards her dwindled with each chapter, slight interactions with Molly (Arthur probably showed her more attention than Dutch to be honest) hinted something terrible was brewing. It all comes to a head when the gang takes shelter at Beaver Hollow, and a drunken Molly spitefully reveals she outed them to the Pinkertons. And the rest wrote itself...

The Actor: Irish actress Katie MacGrath still has room to shine in her career with a promising future ahead of her.

Aside from bit roles in Supergirl and Frontier, she's probably best known as the personal assistant who gets viscerally eaten in the Jurassic World reboot.

MacGrath is a fun actress with the roles she's given, and she would absolutely flourish in a role as meaty as Molly O'Shea's.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!