Resident Evil 3 Remake: Every Confirmed & Leaked Detail We Know

9. Jill's New Costume Is Designed To Be More Practical

Resident Evil 3

As expected following Resident Evil 2 remake, 3's hero Jill Valentine has received a makeover that pays homage to the original look while updating it for a modern, photo-realistic game.

In the original title, Jill's stylish-but-impractical costume made her look like she was planning on doing a bit of bar surfing in the infected Racoon City, while the remake's garb has been intentionally altered to be more practical for zombie killing, made up of a tanktop and jeans.

It's not a total loss, but I was kinda hoping Jill would at least be able to bring the sweater-around-the-hips look back for 2020. Make it fashion again. Stop being cowards.

Likewise, while the design changes will no doubt inspire some ire amongst certain fans (just like the changes to Leon and Claire did), the original costume has been included (alongside Carlos') as a pre-order bonus.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3