Resident Evil 7: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

2. Albert Wesker

CapcomCapcomWe may have seen an Uroboros-filled Albert Wesker demolished by a pair of RPGs at the end of the fifth Resident Evil title but this hasn€™t stopped hopeful rumours circulating that the seventh title will see a return of the most memorable antagonist of the series. Wesker€™s son Jake cropped up in RE6 as a money-motivated mercenary; a Star Wars-esque clash between father and son could be a very compelling story angle. These rumours are by no means just the hopefully wishes of misguided fans. An alleged Capcom employee tweeted that Wesker€™s voice actor was going into the studios to record lines for the upcoming game and since then the rumours about the return of the power-hungry villain have been incessant. Wesker€™s dabbling in Uroboros wouldn€™t even make his death at the end of the fifth game problematic €“ the potent virus could easily be able to bring the antagonist back. Alternatively, as discussed previously, this next Resident Evil title may well be a reboot or a prequel meaning that the return of Wesker wouldn€™t be implausible. It must be stated that the British voice actor who plays Wesker in the English version of the games has stated that he has not been contacted by Capcom so €“ if this rumour is indeed true €“ we must assume that the voice actor in question is the one who plays the Umbrella corporation's top-dog in the Japanese version of the games.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.