Resident Evil 7: 8 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

6. Break Pursuit With A Closed Door

resident evil 7 vii marguerite

At some point you're going to have expended all your ammunition, and will need to flee from someone like Jack or Marguerite. Doing so can be a laborious process as there aren't any contextual 'hiding spots' like in Alien: Isolation, for example.

Instead, you'll need to dart in one direction to create a substantial amount of distance, before attempting to trap the A.I. in one of the various 'loops' of corridors. However, to give yourself some much needed breathing room, always close every door behind you.

As ridiculous as it sounds, even the "Stop, open door" animations that the various enemies have to do will allow you to break their line of sight, giving you time to find a hiding spot or alternative route through the plantation. Just tap down and circle/B to do a quick 180 spin, hit X to close the door (despite their being no onscreen prompt) another 180 and you're back on the run.

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