Resident Evil: 8 Memorable Characters You'll Never See Again

7. Billy Coen

Resident evil jake muller

As with every Resident Evil character that makes it through their ordeal, fans will speculate about the possibility of them returning. Resident Evil Zero’s Billy Coen is no exception. He’s one of many characters who have appeared just once, and left fans wanting more.

After refusing to commit war crimes and being falsely charged with mass murder, Billy is sentenced to death. However on his way to prison his transport is overturned in the woods around the Spencer Mansion. He bumps into Rebecca Chambers and the two have to team up to survive a hellacious night of zombies, giant insects and frustrating inventory systems.

What I’m saying is: Billy Coen has been through plenty already, so if you’re asking to see him in another game then maybe you’re just cruel!

However, in an interview with the staff behind the Netflix CGI series Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, it was teased that at one stage, they had thought of bringing Billy out of retirement for the first time in 18 years. They then ultimately decided against that and instead went back to old faithful himself Leon S. Kennedy.

So whilst Capcom haven’t forgotten about Billy, he’s clearly not their priority.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.