Resident Evil: 8 Memorable Characters You'll Never See Again
3. Jake Muller

Resident Evil 6 was stuffed to the gills with as much content as possible and designed to appeal to all different kinds of audiences and, as such, the finished product was an exhausting, bloated mess of four interweaving campaigns and more quick time events that your poor, tired thumbs can handle.
At the very least it tried to introduce us to a whole new roster of characters who were primed to take centre stage. After all, who wants to be playing as an arthritic 60 year old Chris Redfield? Because that day is fast approaching.
The boldest among Resi 6’s new stars was Jake Muller. The unwanted son of Albert Wesker, Jake spends his time in Resident Evil 6 grappling with the reality of his situation, his legacy and the negative impact of his rather eccentric Father who once tried to, oh I don’t know, take over the world.
Jake’s tale of morality was out of place in the explosive Michael Bay-esque bombastic RE6 which, strangely, made it the most interesting story strand of the lot.
For better or for worse, the critical reaction to Resident Evil 6 put the brakes on the planned trajectory of the franchise and made Capcom stop and take stock of the situation. Considering every time anyone mentions the title it’s to, quite rightfully, make a joke about it’s absolute failure it seems that Capcom are hesitant to reuse any of the characters that the game introduced.
Thus, Jake and company who seemed at one stage poised to take the torch from our heroes are lost in limbo.