Resident Evil: Ranking Every Boss From Worst To Best

57. Uroboros Aheri - Excella Gionne

Resident Evil Bosses

Appears In: Resident Evil 5

For the most part of Resident Evil 5, players are subjected to some of the more annoying and forgettable characters in the series and Excella is no different. The CEO of Tricell, Excella turns out to be nothing but a pawn for Albert Wesker.

Excella has an infatuation towards Wesker which allows him full use of Tricell like how he once used Umbrella for his self-gain. The promise of Wesker's new world order never comes for Excella as with many, once her use has been expended Wesker betrays her.

Being confronted by Chris and Sheva for the final time, Excella realises just too late that she was nothing more than a pawn as he gloats over a PA system about the new world order to come. We hear her last, heartbroken words before Uroboros Aheri erupts from her mouth.

How To Beat:

This encounter turns into something straight out of Gears of War, with the L.T.D being required to despatch Uroboros Aheri with huge beams of light from the sky à la the Hammer of Dawn. Rinse and repeat whilst avoiding the Uroboros spawn spat out by Aheri.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.