Resident Evil: Ranking Every Boss From Worst To Best

33. Ultimate Abyss - Jack Norman

Resident Evil Bosses

Appears In: Resident Evil: Revelations

Up to the point of meeting Jack Baker, Revelations was a pretty solid survival horror experience on the go, but the punishing nature of his fight almost sours everythign that came before it.

Jack Norman was the leader of a terrorist group known as Veltro, which didn't agree with the construction of a self-sustaining city built in the Mediterranean called Terragrigia. After successfully attacking the city with Hunter B.O.Ws, Terragrigia sunk into the sea and Veltro wasn't heard of again.

Not until the Queen Zenobia and Queen Semiramis were captured at least.

For a year, Norman and the remaining Veltro members were trapped on a third ship, Queen Dido, which had succumbed to infection and was stuck on the sea floor. By the time Jill and Chris found Norman, the crew were all dead and he had lost his mind. Moments later, he infected himself and became the Ultimate Abyss.

How To Beat:

This might be an overused phrase by now, but this boss could very well be the Dark Souls of Resident Evil bosses. Ultimate Abyss requires painstaking focus and lightning fast reactions because if the terrible dodge mechanic hasn't been mastered by now, you'll literally have no chance in hell here.

Ultimate Abyss has the power of teleportation and also has the ability to create projections of itself to fool Jill when fighting him, but there is one give away that will save this fight.

The real Ultimate Abyss may not stand up, but it will exhale purple gas after teleporting - so aiming for its exposed heart will halt its attack.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.