Returnal PS5 Review: 9 Ups & 3 Downs

5. Awesome Level Design Encourages Replayability

Returnal Ps5

So, the core combat is excellent, but where Returnal excels in the long run is the sheer amount of variety that keeps each session fresh.

While you will see the same rooms repeat, what’s impressive is the scale of these areas. You’re not ushered down claustrophobic corridors, but given free-reign over wide open, vertical spaces.

Narratively, these add to the grandiosity and mystery of the planet, but they also allow for a bunch of diverse gameplay opportunities, allowing you to adapt your playstyle depending on enemy selection or weapon choice.

These areas are given an extra dimension too with a dose of MetroidVania-esque exploration. You’ll notice on your first few runs that some parts of rooms are off limits: forcefields will block doors, some heights are inaccessible, and hazards hide essential upgrades.

That’s because as you progress you’ll attain some specific, permanent upgrades to your character that open these areas up. As a result, there’s a mechanical incentive to return to older locations even when you think you’ve seen everything they have to offer.

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PS5 Returnal
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3