9. The Sonics - Have Love, Will Travel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20S_kwNb4rg Not know this one by name? Hit play - wait a moment - yes... THAT riff. The Sonics may not be known as well by name as they probably should, but Have Love, Will Travel's intro has been everywhere from the silver screen to random perfume adverts. Sometimes all you need is a band that captures that freewheeling sense of fun you get when tuning up in your mate's garage, and for everything Rock Band brings out when you get the right group of people together, it's that exact same sense of unabashed, group-mentality fun. In fairness Harmonix might have let you improvise some section over the harmonica solo - a killer new feature if that turns out to be real - but overall the feel of this is exactly what you need to get warmed up.