Rocksteady's Superman: 9 Leaked Details You Need To Know

2. A Justice League Game Will Follow It

Justice League Of America
Warner Bros.

One of the most interesting tidbits in the leak wasn't actually about Rocksteady's upcoming Superman game, but the project they're set to work on after that ships. Allegedly, once they've finished Supes' big debut, they're going to work on a Justice League team-up title that pulls in that hero, Batman and a handful of others.

Even more interesting is that this is apparently going to be a multiplayer game, with each person taking control of one of the iconic heroes. The idea is that Rocksteady are attempting to get Superman himself right first instead of over-egging it straight away with a team up (an approach which could have benefitted the movie side of the DC universe). With both Batman and Superman as the base, the rest should follow.

Of course, plenty can change from now until then, and this Justice League game is obviously a ways off yet, but it still inspires confidence that both Rocksteady and WB have a plan for the future.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3