Rocksteady's Superman: 9 Leaked Details You Need To Know

1. It Will Be Unveiled A Few Weeks Before E3

Superman game

No timeframe was put on when players will actually be able to get their hands on Rocksteady's next opus, but the leak did indicate than an official reveal will be coming in the weeks before E3. It'll only take the form of a brief teaser though, with the promise of a full blowout at the actual event in LA.

Likewise, while the game hasn't been mentioned in any other E3 leaks, there have been so many projects accidentally revealed by retailers and insiders that it adds validity to this one. It's been over three years since we last heard anything from the studio - or WB Montreal for that matter - so it would make sense for the publisher to have some reveal in the pipeline.

Whether this leak turns out to be true or not then, we're bound to know for sure in a matter of weeks.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3