Rocksteady's Superman: 9 Leaked Details You Need To Know

3. Brainiac Is The Main Villain

Injustice 2 Brainiac

Though they might not be on par with Batman's villains, Superman still has a rather impressive - and expansive - rogues gallery. Where most games and movies rush straight to pit the character against Lex Luthor though, Rocksteady have apparently drawn their attention to Brainiac, who'll act as the main antagonist of the title.

As with all of Rocksteady's superhero outings, a clown car full of other villains will no doubt show up to act as sub-bosses and henchmen, but they'll play second fiddle to Supes' nemesis. He's more than a suitable villain though, coming with the scale and strength necessary to allow the devs to create a truly epic game.

With that said, Lex Luthor's presence will still no doubt be felt in some form - after all, it was all over Arkham Knight - and he could be waiting in the wings to become the main villain of the inevitable sequel, or...


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