Ryse: Son Of Rome Review: 5 Reasons It's Hugely Disappointing

rating: 2
One of the highest touted exclusives for Microsofts brand new Xbox One is Ryse: Son of Rome, developed by acclaimed studio Crytek; its a game that has suffered through development hell and well frankly, it probably should have stayed there. Originally shown off in 2011 as a full blown first person Kinect title, Ryse instantly underwhelmed, appearing to be the next colossal bomb for the gaming peripheral that actual gamers dont give a damn about. Im guessing even Microsoft realized that they had further embarrassed their pompous gaming division with this presentation, so they took a different approach and had Crytek retool the core mechanics into a 3rd person action adventure. On paper, that sounds leagues more interesting than a first person game where you will stumble through Kinect motion controls and lazily gesture your way through laughably simplistic combos, and when the game was re-revealed earlier this year at E3, it did admittedly look like a more interesting game that could now be taken seriously. The combat still came across overly simplistic and repetitive however, which is unreal considering a presentational demo only lasts around 10 minutes. Despite the negative stigma leeching away the games promise, Crytek consistently reassured gamers that they were still tweaking the mechanics, actively receiving feedback from genre experts, and actually came clean stating that they failed at showing off Ryse to the public. Unfortunately, it was a game seemingly destined to fail from the beginning. Click Next to begin.