Saints Row 3's Enter The Dominatrix DLC Is Now Merging With Saints Row 4
THQ's president, Mark Rubin, was so impressed with Enter The Dominatrix that he's providing enough resources to implement the content into the fourth installment.

"I asked the team what it could achieve given more time, more resources, and a broader scope for the project. We all agreed we wanted to play that game. When it comes to Saints Row, it's clear our fans want bigger, better, and even more over the top, and that's why Enter The Dominatrix will now be incorporated into a vastly expanded, full-fledged sequel, scheduled for calendar 2013."With a drastic change in their development schedule, the best guess for when the game will ship is sometime after April 2013. THQ has yet to confirm exactly which consoles Saints Row 4 is being developed for, but assuming Xbox 360, PS3, and PC is probably a safe bet. Be sure to stay tuned for more information on Saints Row 4 as THQ unveils the reason behind pushing off an entire expansion pack. Source: Eurogamer