Sekiro: 10 Helpful Tips & Tricks To Defeat The Final Boss

1. ALWAYS Block And Parry

Sekiro Sword Saint Isshin

Are you blocking and parrying enough?

One of the major problems comes from getting greedy and trying to attack when you should be blocking.

Remember you can only roughly fit two hits before he blocks, but Isshin will punish you for not blocking quickly on the return.

A lot of his attacks might look intimidating, but like most of the enemies in this game, the majority can be blocked.

Get in the habit of hitting that block button even if you don't need to. Isshin hits hard and fast, and if you attack when you don't need to, you leave yourself open and you're gonna get hurt.

If you block when you don't need to, at worst, nothing happens and you're more prepared.

For every two times you attack you want to block between six and twelve, as it's all about posture damage.


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