Sekiro: 18 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Advanced Stealth Moves

Sekiro shadows die twice

Some beautiful Tenchu/Shinobido-type business, your array of stealth moves isn't restrained to just from behind.

Instead, you can do a stealth kill while looking around a corner. Just hug a wall and move to the corner as an enemy is nearby. The red kill prompt will appear as normal, but you'll be treated to a specific wall-kill animation instead.

Likewise for aerial kills - know that you can trigger the stealth kill while Sekiro is far above, leaving him to descend into the move proper, and as for hanging kills, position yourself underneath an enemy so they're walking along a cliff edge or outcrop above, and you should get the red icon again.

Combine all of these stealth moves together with everything on this list, and you can play Sekiro like the spiritual Tenchu sequel it was (half) born to be.

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