Shadow Of The Colossus: Every Colossus Ranked From Worst To Best

13. Argus (Colossus #15)

Shadow Of The Colossus Argus
Bluepoint Games

For the game's penultimate battle, it's a shame Argus is more boring than exciting, and it doesn't help that his design feels utterly uninspired, especially following on from a number of incredibly inventive and unique fights.

The trick here is in luring Argus to stomp on a number of stone panels, which will allow Wander to reach higher areas, at which point you must then lure the creature to smash the stone walkways at the top of the arena.

Only then will you be able to get close enough to leap onto its fur and start attacking, but with one of the weak points being placed in an incredibly awkward position, you'll probably fall off at least once and have to start the whole laborious climbing process again.

This one has a few nice ideas, but at this stage in Wander's journey, it's more of a slog than fun.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.