Shadow Of War: 12 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

1. Dominate Instantly & Recruit Multiple Captains

Shadow Of War dominate domination

One hell of an annoyance purposefully designed to make you thin the ranks before dominating/recruiting a Captain, holding circle/B to take control of their mind nearly always sees you interrupted by another enemy.

To remedy this, seek out the Combat Drain ability, which - by hitting X+O/A+B together - lets you capture someone immediately, rather than across 5-6 seconds.

Even better, combine this with Double Charge (the ability that lets you drain two enemies at once) and you can actually dominate two Captains simultaneously. Both of the in-game "cutscenes" will resolve one after another, and even if there are no Captains in sight, brand some regular grunts and give yourself some additional backup.

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