Skyrim: 10 Armour Mods That Need to Be Made

8. The Iron Man Suit From The John Favreau Series

iron Man Who doesn't want to be Iron Man? The epic suit may not be very lore friendly, which matters a great deal to some, but god damn it's a cool armour. Definitely an over powered suit at the worst of times, I can't imagine any serious player using this to play through the quests of Skyrim. It's not exactly subtle either, so only a heavy armour user could wear it. The materials for smithing the suit would fit perfectly into Skyrim, too. I imagine some gold, some soul gems for the lights and finally something to throw in a little hot rod red, some sapphires. Ah, a perfect recipe.
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I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!